Hourly Coverage

Hourly coverage is available for as few as 3 hours. You can choose 1 team for $250 and 2 camera crews for $400 hourly. Each team is made up of 2 people. The photographer and their lighting assistant. Both photographers will be well qualified. 

Nicole Hollenkamp Photography will be there.

Posed & Documentary Style Coverage.

Friendly Service

Team 2

Hourly Coverage for team 2. This is a second photographer and their lighting assistant. Recommended as an absolute must if you will have no first look!

More Angles

More Memories

More Coverage

product name

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet sweet dessert. Jelly-o pie croissant donut. Carrot cake cake donut oat cake. Sugar plum cake gummies macaroon. Chupa chups danish marshmallow liquorice danish sweet tiramisu lollipop. 

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